Our mission is to buy and develop property or land and to create win/win scenarios to the vendor which are much better than selling in the traditional way through an agent.
We do this by helping people sell their property either directly to us, or off market to another investor that we are partnering with and by exploring different terms with a structured purchase approach.
1) One way we help people unlock the value in their home or land by getting planning permission, and then building out the site.
This is set up in a way which is totally risk free for the vendor. They don't have to do any work, or navigate the complex legalise of the council's planning portal, or risk many thousands of pounds in arch
You may be sitting on a goldmine. You may have hidden potential value in your land or property that can be released with planning permission. Land can get permission to build houses, and commercial properties could be repurposed for residential use.
To apply for planning yourself takes a lot of expertise, and requires a lot of money invested in fees for planning consultants, architects and other experts. Other money is also sometimes needed for environmental and other reports. The application could take months or years, be rejected, go to appeal, and be rejected again. All that time and money could be lost. There is always a risk that planning will be unsuccessful, and of course planning consultants are paid by the hour, so they have a vested interest in recommending you use their services, and inflating your chances of success.
Often people use an architect or planning consultant who is not skilled in that particular type of project, so they may waste a lot of money pursuing a strategy that a more skilled consultant would have eliminated at the start.
We can handle all the headache, and costs and just work for you on a no win / no fee basis. We can agree a fixed price for your land or property subject to planning in the future, and then we will handle all the work, fees, risk etc for your planning application.
It is truly a win/win situation.
And you can usually make a lot more money this way than selling it without planning.
2) We can sometimes used structured buying methods where we agree everything now, possibly rent it, and then purchase later. There are also other vendor finance methods we can use. The advantage of these methods is that it can give the vendor a higher price if they are flexible on the terms.
3) We will also sometimes consider a normal purchase where we complete quickly, but for this to work for our investors, we would need a discount on the market value.
4) We sometimes have needs for funds for a project and can sometimes help people get a much bigger fixed rate return for their money. We work closely with many investors including a property PLC which has recently sold another investment, and has £3m in its bank ready to invest. If you have funds available to invest please talk to us, as we can often provide a high rate of return.
Make sure that you contact us to explore the best way to dispose of your asset. We can usually offer a much better solution for you than just placing it with an agent.
Kevene Homes was founded and is managed by Keith Griggs. We work with a large number of investors and developers to create wealth and help people in the best way.

How to spend this lockdown time wisely - Part 1 of 3
How to spend this lockdown time wisely - Part 2 of 3
How to spend this lockdown time wisely - Part 3 of 3